Parklands Way Clique Festive Party

Dear Parklands Way Clique

'Thank You' all for joining us at our home on Tuesday 29th December 2015 celebrating the Christmas Festive Season and a million thanks to you for all your gifts.

Sorry all our Neighbours could not be with us as our get-together was planned at very short notice.
It certainly was a pleasure meeting up with Lizzie & Valentin from Germany, extending special thanks to Valentin for his great piano playing. Also thanks to Roger and Marilyn for adding to the Live entertainment which can be viewed on the VIDEO LINK below.
Wishing all our Great Neighbours
A Happy New Year 2016.
Love Benny & Betty

Audio link - Valentin on keyboard.


Julia joins us for a late late New Year's drink.
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Dear Valentin & Lizzie
We wish you a good safe journey back to your hometown in Germany and certainly look forward to your return during summer where we will plan another party with all Parklands musicians joining in a good Jam Session to include Phil on Bass and also Alan on guitar.
The fun lineup will be Valentin on piano - Phil on Bass - Roger Lead Guitar - Alan on Guitar/vocals - Marilyn on keyboards/percussion -Neil on Trumbone -  Benny on Electronic Sax.

Do let us know dates of your next visit in advance so we can plan a full days get-together with Marian and all Parklands Clique Neighbours.

Happy New Year 2016
With Love from Benny & Betty

Pre Christmas drinks at Marian & Phil's home